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46 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2021 - PIERRE FABRE   Putting employee health and safety first Employee health and safety is a top priority for Pierre Fabre. Standing side by side with them during the pandemic, the Group has made notable advances in 2020, with the deployment of a harmonized international strategy and the appointment of a dedicated operational Health, Safety & Environment Director. -25% 2021 safety target for the reduction in surgical accident rate 1.2.3 Safety: a global safety policy With the 1.2.3 Safety program, Pierre Fabre has made it a priority to reduce differences in procedures between subsidiaries. The program will focus on three main areas: ensuring roles and responsibilities are clearly defined; introducing preventive actions for the most common risks (road risk, fire, chemical hazards) and for secondary and emerging risks (international travel etc.); and conducting an annual review of the results compared to the targets. Conducted at 46 sites between November and December 2020, an initial audit of five procedures revealed a compliance rate of 75%. Although some best practices were uncovered, the audit also identified areas for improvement in terms of prevention plans and corrective actions, and in terms of ensuring job descriptions contain an accurate details of the roles and responsibilities. In 2021, the Group will focus on ensuring all plants adopt a safety culture.  Standing side by side with employees during the pandemic Issuing hand sanitizer and face masks - including special masks so that hearing- impaired employees can lipread -, mass mobilization of medicosocial workers (occupational physicians, nursing staff, social affairs officers) and numerous other roles (property management, HR, site managers, HSE etc.). From when sites were first closed, through to the return of teams once the safety measures were in place, the Group demonstrated an ability to adapt very quickly in these exceptional times. At the same time, a support scheme was set up to help combat the problems caused by isolation and working from home for long periods. Weekly video chats with the CEO, informal virtual coffee mornings with the Executive Committee, special team meetings organized by the managers, a dedicated website for employees deprived of access: a whole assortment of measures to help maintain contact. In addition, a psychosocial risk awareness course was given to 700 managers, along with four webinars on “Home-working during uncertain times”.   

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