Page 20 - GB-RI-PierreFabre-Complet-INTERACTIF
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18 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2021 - PIERRE FABRE   Undertaking the transformation Launched in 2019, the Group’s Transformation Plan sets ambitious targets for the short-, mid-, and long-term, together with firm commitments in terms of sustainable development and innovation. An ambitious Transformation Plan built on five pillars...                                      MEDICAL & NATURALNESS Assert a Medical & Naturality positioning that is both authentic and differentiating PORTFOLIO Refocus our portfolio strategy EFFICIENCY Improve our efficiency to finance the transformation DIGITAL Leverage digital to improve consumer/ patient centricity ORGANIZATION Transform the organization and ways of working ...supported by a CSR commitment covering our entire business and all stakeholders     OUR EMPLOYEES, SITES, SUBSIDIARIES, BRANDS, Commit AND STAKEHOLDERS Innovate SUSTAINABLY BY DRAWING INSPIRATION FROM NATURE Protect THE ENVIRONMENT THAT SURROUNDS US                                   THE QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF OUR Guarantee PRODUCTS AND OUR ETHICAL PRACTICES. Respect OUR PARTNERS, OUR EMPLOYEES, AND OUR LAND   ...and by a targeted innovation strategy ONCOLOGY 3       PRIORITY FIELDS OF INNOVATION DERMO-COSMETICS       MEDICAL DERMATOLOGY      

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