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Melanoma Awareness Month: Make Your Mark Against Melanoma!

4 mai 2022

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin — the pigment that gives the skin its color. It occurs when these cancerous cells grow out of control and crowd out normal cells.1,2

Melanoma skin cancer is one of the easiest cancers to find. That is because it usually begins where you can see it.3 However, although less common than other skin cancers, melanoma is more dangerous because it is more likely to grow and spread quickly to other parts of the body if undetected and not treated early.2

Melanoma is more commonly reported among light-skinned populations, partly attributable to decreased photoprotection from reduced melanin. However, melanoma does not discriminate, it can occur in all populations whatever the skin type, gender or age.4,5

Any delay in melanoma diagnosis presents additional risks of cancer progressing from being curable to incurable, therefore it is so important to raise awareness of the disease.6

This year Pierre Fabre is once again proudly participating in Melanoma Awareness Month, by increasing awareness on the importance of early diagnosis of melanoma among all communities. 

Citation Eric Ducournau Make Your Mark Against Melanoma

Mark Against Melanoma Campaign

For the second consecutive year, Pierre Fabre is launching its ‘Mark Against Melanoma’ Campaign. We want to encourage everyone to make their mark against melanoma by getting their skin checked throughout May and beyond. The campaign has a creative emphasis on a checkmark to demonstrate the completion of an action against melanoma:

  • Check your knowledge about melanoma and educate those around you,
  • Check your skin for changes, 
  • Get your skin checked by a Dermatologist whatever your age or your skin type and invite your colleagues, friends and family to do the same! 

There are many ways for you to make your personal mark against melanoma while encouraging others to do the same:  

Step 1: Take Action 

  • Select and share a melanoma fact or,
  • Complete a self-examination of your skin or,
  • Take an appointment to a Dermatologist to get your skin checked.

Step 2: Make Your Mark   

  • Draw a visible colorful checkmark on your skin 
  • Take a photo or a selfie 

Step 3:  Share Globally  

  • Share the action you have just completed with your photo across social media including #MarkAgainstMelanoma
  • Encourage others to join in!

Please not this campaign doesn’t endorse online diagnosis via the sharing of photos of moles or skin changes.

check melanoma with the mark

This Melanoma Awareness Month, don’t forget to…

CHECK your knowledge on melanoma 

  • Are all skin types at risk of developing melanoma?

Melanoma is more commonly seen among light-skinned populations, partly due to decreased photoprotection from reduced melanin. However, melanoma can occur in all populations whatever their skin color. 4,5


melanoma skin phototype @Pierre Fabre


  • Any impact from age and gender?

Overall, melanoma is more common in men7. While incidence is lower among people under the age of 40 years, it is one of the most common cancers diagnosed among adolescents and young adults.

MONITOR and CHECK your skin 

It’s important to check your skin for early signs of melanoma. Look out for spots or lesions with these signs, and visit your healthcare professional if you’re worried:

  • ABCDEs of melanoma

Look out for new or changes or existing spots or lesions with any of these signs3


melanoma 2021@Pierre fabre
  • The Ugly Duckling

melanoma the ugly duckling@Pierre Fabre

Check your skin once a month for early signs of melanoma and examine all areas, including your palms, and soles, in between fingers a dotes, scalp, ears, nails, and your back. If you identify at least one of the signs listed above or if you are concerned about changes to your skin, get it checked by a dermatologist.8,9


Melanoma brochure




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Beyond Melanoma Awareness Month 

Our dedication and support for the skin cancer community extends beyond melanoma awareness month. As a skin expert company with considerable expertise in oncology, dermatology and dermo-cosmetics, we are uniquely positioned to fight skin cancers from multiple perspectives. 

Guided by our three pillars of care—PREVENT, TREAT and SUPPORT—our United Against Skin Cancers programme is an extensive global initiative that brings together solutions from across our franchises committed to skincare, to win the battle against skin cancers.


Join Us and Make Your Mark

Get involved in Melanoma Awareness Month! Show your support and make your #MarkAgainstMelanoma this May by liking, sharing and commenting on our social posts.



  1. AIM at Melanoma. About Melanoma: What is Melanoma? Available at: Accessed March 2022
  2. American Cancer Society. What Is Melanoma Skin Cancer? Available at: Accessed March 2022.
  3. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Skin cancer: How do I know I have skin cancer? Available at :,skin%20cancer%20to%20develop%20there. Accessed March 2022 
  4. Matthews N.H et al. Epidemiology of melanoma. In : Cutaneous melanoma : etiology and therapy. Ward W.H and Farma J.M. Editors 2017
  5. Culp MB et al. Melanoma Among Non-Hispanic Black Americans. Prev Chronic Dis 2019;16:180640
  6. Gualdi G et al. The Effect of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Melanoma Diagnosis in Italy. Clin Dermatol ; 39(5): 911-919, 2021. 
  7. American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Melanoma Skin Cancer. Available at: Accessed March 2022
  8. American Cancer Society. Can Melanoma Skin Cancer Be Found Early? Available at: Accessed March 2022.
  9. Mayo Clinic. Melanoma Symptoms. Available at: Accessed March 2022.