Pierre Fabre
New ways to care 


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We develop tomorrow's prescription drugs and products with the inexhaustible resources of our imagination. There is no task more exciting than this!

M. Pierre Fabre, founder of the Group


les éléments du labo scientifique


Our Brands

Our dual expertise - pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic - helps us offer a holistic approach to care: prevent, treat and support.

Focus on

Our Commitments

Green Mission Pierre Fabre is the eco-socio-responsible commitment from the Pierre Fabre Group, awarded the Committed to CSR by AFNOR Certification at the Exemplary level. Thanks to our conviction and drive, we use sustainable innovation to benefit Nature and People, focusing on 4 issues: 


Innovate sustainably

Innovate : sustainably by taking our inspiration from nature, thanks to our botanical expertise and the development of eco-extraction

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Protect our plant heritage 

reduce our environmental footprint, promote organic farming and encourage agro-ecology

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Respect the farmers and harvesterss 

We respect the farmers and harvesters we work with, and help develop the regions from which we source our ingredients

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Guarantee the quality 

of our eco-designed products, and maximize the development of Ecocert Organic certified active ingredients and our ethical practices 

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les collaboratrices heureuses

Looking for a company

that is in line with your values?

Joining the Pierre Fabre Group means entering a company with a history overflowing with values, innovation and expertise for patients and consumers. What are you waiting for? Look at our offers, apply and embark on a human adventure !

Our latest


Curious to learn more about our news? Get the latest on our brand innovations, our flagship commitments and the highlights of the life of the group

Les collaborateurs passionnantes sur la couverture du rapport annuel
Rapport annuel 2023 : Prendre soin de vous nous fait avancer
En 2023, nous avons choisi de vous livrer au travers de notre rapport annuel une histoire partagée : celle d’un Groupe convaincu que « Prendre soin de vous nous fait avancer », et qui fait de cette conviction le cœur de son action.     Structuré en trois chapitres, ce rapport passe d’abord en revue les fondamentaux du Groupe et fait le bilan de la stratégie mise en place pour prendre soin de chacun, et contribuer à notre échelle à « rendre le monde meilleur » au service de nos patients et consommateurs.  Dans le deuxième chapitre (re) découvrez le panorama de nos activités, et quatre récits qui détaillent notre action au quotidien « pour prendre soin du vous » : en matière d’innovation, et main dans la main avec les professionnels de santé, les patients et les consommateurs,  en plaçant la prévention au cœur de notre approche globale du soin.Et parce qu’ « avancer au service du bien commun » est une préoccupation ancrée dans nos gènes et dans notre histoire, le troisième chapitre met en relief la façon dont le groupe décline sa politique RSE, et son sens de l’engagement, dans le souci de ses territoires, de ses collaborateurs et de ses parties prenantes. Au fil du rapport, 8 histoires partagées, portraits de collaborateurs ou de parties prenantes, qui sont autant d’illustrations concrètes de que nous nous attachons à être depuis 60 ans  : des innovateurs humanistes.  DECOUVRIR LE RAPPORT TELECHARGER
Our Breast Journey Pierre Fabre
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women1, with more than 2 million new cases reported each year worldwide.2  It accounts for 1 in 4 annual cancer cases globally.1 Breast cancer is the leading cause of death by cancer in women.2   Although more frequent after age 50, breast cancer can also occur in younger patients.1 Also, even though most breast cancer cases occur in women, it can also occur in men (around 1% of cases).3  Importance of early detection  Early detection is essential. The earlier a cancer is detected, the better the chances of curing it. It is important that you are familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel and you should report any changes to your health care provider right away.  The most common symptoms of breast cancer are changes in the breasts, the lump in the breast being the most common, but not the only one.3  Signs that should alert women and men:3  A lump in the breast  Change in the size or shape of the breast  Dimpling of the skin or thickening in the breast tissue  An inverted nipple  Rash on the nipple  Discharge from the nipple  Swelling or a lump in the armpit  Pain or discomfort in the breast that doesn’t go away  Skin redness  Skin thickening  In most cases, breast cancer is asymptomatic. Getting regular screening tests is the most reliable way to detect breast cancer early. Check with your doctor if you are eligible and get information about screening frequency. 4,5         How to do self-examination?4 

We take care of life by designing and developing innovative solutions inspired by consumers and patients, and contributing to the well-being of everyone from health to beauty.