Committed to Fighting Cancer Alongside Patients
United Against Skin Cancers
At Pierre Fabre, we take care of the human being as a whole. From health to beauty, we adopt a unique approach to contribute positively to the overall well-being of individuals. We implement this complementarity in an extensive worldwide program dedicated to skin cancer: United Against Skin Cancers.
Our expertise in dermatology, combined with our knowledge in the field of oncology, puts us in a unique position to fight against skin cancers from multiple angles. United Against Skin Cancers brings together numerous global initiatives inspired and developed by Pierre Fabre based on our three treatment cornerstones: prevent, treat, support.
Prevent, through extensive programs to raise awareness about proper sun protection. We have a complete portfolio of products designed to protect the skin and keep it healthy; for example, by providing a high level of sun protection for all skin types, including sensitive, atopic skin, and individuals at risk of actinic keratosis and skin cancer (except melanoma).
Treat, with prescription drugs that target the tumors, as well as treatments that help to combat the cutaneous side effects caused by a large number of anti-cancer treatments. Without forgetting products intended to boost self-confidence and improve quality of life.
Support, through a variety of tools to educate, inform and assist patients and health care professionals throughout the care pathway, from diagnosis to treatment, and beyond.
Living better with cancer every day through supportive care in the oncology field.
Since the Group's creation almost 60 years ago, we have placed the better-being of individuals at the center of the development of our new products. This is exactly what we do in the field of cancer, by combining the development of innovative prescription drugs with effective management of the adverse effects associated with different treatments.
Inventor of dermo-cosmetics with emblematic brands such as Eau Thermale Avène, René Furterer and Ducray, we are convinced that taking care of a patient with cancer necessarily incorporates support for adverse effects. And this applies throughout all phases of the disease. This is why we develop complementary product ranges which cover several of these adverse effects, whether they be skin problems, hair problems, or even dental problems. We even offer specific support for women in remission from breast cancer in our Avène Hydrotherapy Center. We are a committed player and form partnerships with various associations, some of which use dermo-cosmetic treatments as a means of boosting self-esteem.
Today, we place this key expertise at the service of patients and all health care players. It is all the more important since the arrival on the market of new treatments that can be taken by the patient at home repositions dispensing pharmacists at the center of supportive care in the oncology field. To support them throughout this change in mission, which is in line with government policy, we have developed a comprehensive tailored package. Today we are making all the components of this package available to dispensing pharmacists as part of a true partnership-based approach, thereby continuing the vision of our founder, an entrepreneur who was himself a pharmacist.
Our ambition? To make a positive contribution to the better-being of individuals with cancer, by facilitating their day-to-day care.