Fernando Junoy appointed Pierre Fabre Laboratories’ International Managing Director
31 October 2024
Castres, October 31, 2024 – Pierre Fabre Laboratories announces the appointment of Fernando Junoy as International Managing Director. In this capacity, he reports to Eric Ducournau, Chief Executive Officer, and joins the Executive Committee.
Fernando Junoy’s mission will be to boost the international growth for the company. Pierre Fabre Laboratories generates 70% of its revenue internationally and aims to increase this share to 80% by 2030, while consolidating its profitability and cash flow.
To this end, the international subsidiaries located in Europe, Americas, Asia and Africa, Turkey and the Middle East will be under the responsibility of Fernando Junoy, excluding Spain, Italy, Germany and China. Like France, these historical markets will continue to be managed directly by the Medical Care and Dermo-Cosmetics & Personal Care Business Units (as well as the recently created Medical Care subsidiary in the United States).
Fernando Junoy will prioritize efforts on 5 expansion territories: Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Benelux and the United States (for the dermo-cosmetics business). These territories delivered growth of 17% in 2023 and a combined cumulative turnover of €500 million by 2025. In these territories, he will strive to balance the growth of dermo-cosmetics brands Eau Thermale Avène, Ducray, Klorane, A-Derma, René Furterer and Darrow, and optimize the potential of new drugs currently being launched in oncology and dermatology.
Born in Spain, Fernando Junoy holds an MBA from ESADE and has 20 years of experience in the field of family health, dermo-cosmetics and medical dermatology, he previously served as Director Europe, Middle East and Africa at Galderma Laboratories. He began his career at Procter & Gamble, then joined the Puig and Johnson & Johnson groups successively.

I am delighted that Fernando Junoy is joining the Executive Committee. His expertise and international background in the field of dermo-cosmetics and dermatology will be major assets to pursue our international growth strategy. The launch of new products, adaptation to patient and consumer needs in each country, and long-term partnerships with local healthcare professionals are the drivers of this dynamic

Joining Pierre Fabre Laboratories is both a great honor and a great responsibility. This pioneering company, which for over 60 years has dedicated the best of science and nature to health, embodies values that are dear to me. I am deeply convinced that every time we care for a single person, we make the whole world better. It is this humanistic vision and commitment to patients that motivate me to give my best to contribute to our common mission. I am determined to mobilize our international teams and talents to achieve exceptional results together.
About Pierre Fabre Laboratories
Pierre Fabre Laboratories is the world's second-largest dermo-cosmetics company and one of Europe's leading pharmaceutical companies. Its portfolio includes several international brands and medical franchises such as Pierre Fabre Innovative Oncology, Pierre Fabre Medical Dermatology, Pierre Fabre Pharmaceutical Care, Eau Thermale Avène, Ducray, A-Derma, Klorane, René Furterer Même Cosmetics, Naturactive, Elgydium, Inava and Arthrodont.
In 2023, Pierre Fabre Laboratories posted 2.83 billion euros in revenue, 70% of which came from international sales in 120 countries. Historically based in the southwest of France and manufacturing 95% of its products in France, Pierre Fabre Laboratories employs over 10,000 people worldwide. Its annual R&D budget amounts to nearly 200 million euros, of which about 50% is dedicated to targeted therapies in oncology and 40% to skin health and care solutions.
Pierre Fabre Laboratories' majority shareholder (86%) is the eponymous Foundation, which is recognized by the French government as being a public-interest foundation. This capital structure guarantees the company's independence and long-term vision. Dividends paid to the Pierre Fabre Foundation enable the latter to design and finance humanitarian healthcare-access programs in developing countries. Employees are the company's secondary shareholder, through an international employee shareholding plan.
Pierre Fabre Laboratories’ sustainability policy has been assessed by the independent AFNOR Certification body and has been awarded the "Exemplary" level of its CSR label (ISO 26 000 standard for sustainable development).
For more information, visit www.pierre-fabre.com, @PierreFabreGroup
Contact presse
Pierre Fabre
Aurélien Grosjean
+33 6 86 05 44 92