Pierre Fabre Laboratories sells its immuno-oncology research site located in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois (Haute-Savoie) to Jubilant Biosys Limited
29 January 2025
Castres, January 29, 2025 – Pierre Fabre Laboratories and Jubilant Biosys Limited have signed an agreement regarding the sale of the Pierre Fabre research and development site specialized in immuno-oncology located in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, following the announcement of entering into exclusive negotiations made last August 19.
Jubilant Biosys is a global player in pharmaceutical outsourcing, employing 2,300 people and offering an integrated range from the development of new molecules to the production of biopharmaceuticals. Jubilant Biosys now aims to establish itself in Europe and expand in the fields of biological drugs and conjugated antibodies, which the Saint-Julien-en-Genevois research & development site will enable.
The sale involves the transfer of the site, its 35 employees, buildings and equipment, and ongoing research projects to Jasmin SAS, a new company incorporated by Pierre Fabre Laboratories, in which Jubilant will acquire 80% equity and Pierre Fabre Laboratories will retain balance 20% equity pursuant to a shareholders’ agreement.
This sale project follows the repositioning of Pierre Fabre Laboratories' research and development strategy announced in 2023. This new strategy aims to focus innovation activities in oncology on targeted therapies and to consolidate all R&D teams at the Oncopole campus in Toulouse, at the Pierre Fabre Innovation Center.
This acquisition, based on Jubilant Byosis’ project to expand in the fields of biological drugs and conjugated antibodies, allows for the retention of skilled employees who will be able to fully utilize their scientific expertise to serve patients with cancer.
The effective takeover of the site by Jasmin SAS and closing of the transaction is expected to occur in the coming months.
About Pierre Fabre Laboratories
Pierre Fabre Laboratories is the world's second-largest dermo-cosmetics company and one of Europe's leading pharmaceutical companies. Its portfolio includes numerous medical franchises and international brands such as Pierre Fabre Oncologie, Pierre Fabre Dermatologie, Eau Thermale Avène, Klorane, Ducray, René Furterer, A-Derma, Darrow, Glytone, Naturactive , Elgydium, Inava and Arthrodont.
In 2023, Pierre Fabre Laboratories posted 2.83 billion euros in revenue, 70% of which came from international sales in 120 countries. Historically based in the southwest of France and manufacturing 95% of its products in France, Pierre Fabre Laboratories employs over 10,000 people worldwide. Its annual R&D budget amounts to nearly 200 million euros, of which about 50% is dedicated to targeted therapies in oncology and 40% to skin health and care solutions.
Pierre Fabre Laboratories' majority shareholder (86%) is the eponymous Foundation, which is recognized by the French government as being a public-interest foundation. This capital structure guarantees the company's independence and long-term vision. Dividends paid to the Pierre Fabre Foundation enable the latter to design and finance humanitarian healthcareaccess programs in developing countries. Employees are the company's secondary shareholder, through an international employee shareholding plan.
Pierre Fabre Laboratories’ sustainability policy has been assessed by the independent AFNOR Certification body and has been awarded the "Exemplary" level of its CSR label (ISO 26 000 standard for sustainable development).
For more information, visit www.pierre-fabre.com, @PierreFabreGroup
Contact presse
Pierre Fabre
Caroline Perdrix-Thomas
+33 6 86 05 44 92