Part 2

Valued partners of dermatologists

We contribute to medical conferences, publications and the development of collaborative informative tools: Pierre Fabre supports dermatologists to enhance their knowledge and daily practice.

Deux femmes en extérieur rient ensemble

Over the past 40 years, Pierre Fabre Laboratories has built unique ties with dermatologists. Driven by our strong desire to share our expertise and present our latest therapeutic innovations, every year, Pierre Fabre teams take part in scientific events and medical conferences, which are great opportunities to foster that long-standing relationship.

Stand des Laboratoires Pierre Fabre lors d'un congrès médical

In 2023, Pierre Fabre took part in 52 confe r - ences, in France and abroad, including the unmissable 25th World Congress of Dermatology, which was held in Singapore. In December, during the Journées dermatologiques de Paris (JDP, or Paris Dermatology Days), our teams met over 1,200 dermatologists, and the company ran several symposiums, including one on the dermatological properties of Avène Thermal Spring Water. Prevention, early detection and treatment of skin cancer: the challenge is to work together to develop future solutions.

Digital innovation for dermatologists.

To tackle this challenge, we also provide dermatologists with digital tools to support them in their everyday practice. Dermaweb, the world’s leading website for reliable medical and scientific information and discussions between dermatology professionals, was launched in 1999 had some 30,000 subscribers worldwide by late 2023.

During 2023, dermatologists embraced the Eczema CARE+ app launched in late 2022 — providing assistance for atopic eczema treatment, powered partly by artificial intelligence (AI) and used jointly used by patients and health workers by helping to personalize available treatments.

Un dermatologue examine la peau d'un patient avec un dermatoscope
Un enfant applique une crème solaire sur son nez

dermatologists registred on Dermaweb, end 2023.


articles published in
scientific journals.

Recognized scientific expertise.

Motivated by a strong desire to enhance scientific knowledge in dermatology, Pierre Fabre and its experts helped publish 25 scientific journal articles. By way of example, the ALL study is one of the biggest epidemiological studies conducted in the field of dermatology over the past 10 years. Its aim?

To collect data about all skin types (“ALL Skins”), all skin diseases (“ALL Dermatoses”) and all skin colors (“ALL Colors”) to produce the largest private international database. In our survey, 50,552 people, from the adults from 20 countries across all continents (accounting for over half the world's population), gave confidential answers to 65 questions. With ALL, presented in two major publications*, Pierre Fabre aims to help dermatologists gain a better understanding of the prevalence and impact of skin diseases. This knowledge can ultimately lead to improved treatment approaches.

*Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology – JEADV 
- “The role of physical touch during patient examination in dermatology”
- “Misery Prev sensitive scalp world”

We take care of life by designing and developing innovative solutions inspired by consumers and patients, and contributing to the well-being of everyone from health to beauty.